Monday, October 20, 2014

::new:: website

This might sound weird, but there have been a number of times that I didn't know that I was pregnant until it's time to give birth.  This time, I had no clue until I was 8 weeks due.

No, I didn't have a human baby...

I birthed a business.

It literally grew in me at record gestation.  It was always in me- but, this summer, it fertilized and it grew.  In a matter of weeks, I labored and pushed...

I spent hundreds of hours sketching, designing, importing and making around 200 handmade pieces of jewelry.  I taught myself new jewelry techniques, and website building.  I went out and bought a wardrobe, styled and photographed models, then edited, rephotographed, edited, and literally woke up to a website.  It felt alike a dream or whirlwind, or some kind of crazy transport in time.  I'm not sure why I felt the need to do this... why it needed to be born right now... or for what purpose this new direction in my business is going... but, here we are, and I'm holding my dream in my arms.  It's kind of exciting to let life just happen.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

::new:: monogram jewelry & summer designs

Hallelujah for summer sun, ice cold drinks, pool time, BBQ's (absolutely a must here in the Carolinas) and sleeping in!  Summer vacation so far has been grand!  Still, I am working like a busy little bee!  Here's a peek at my new summer designs...

Monogram pendants were hand sculpted using precious metal clay.  For the half locket, I handmade the locket, and gave it a vintage scalloped design on the back.

Monday, June 23, 2014

weekend project: metal clay

So this year has been all about confronting my fears.

In the past, I had spent years yearning to take my metal smithing skills up to the next level.  Things like torches, kilns, chemicals, etc. freaked me out just a little.  I was nervous to invest all the money in equipment and really go for it.  At the beginning of this year, I decided it was time to "step out of the boat".  It was finally time to pursue with all my heart, and get out of my small business mentality.

Since doing so, I've had some incredible opportunities open up for me.  I can't disclose yet, maybe even not until next year, but trust me- some exciting things are ahead for Modern Mama Jewelry!  I know with out a doubt that those doors opened because I decided to face those fears, pick up a torch, try some new techniques & push outside my comfort zone.

Monday, June 16, 2014


I've been meaning to write out these thoughts lately.  You know, it's been a while since I've been in business.  I'm starting to remember the rush of sales and success, and then feeling them dry up at times.  It's easy to flood the dry times with extra effort, advertising, research on marketing, new products, and stress everyday that there is no sale.  I can find myself completely consumed with the lack of consumers visiting my site. 

One day it hit me.  I was watching the waves in the ocean 
ebb & flow.  I said to myself, "I trust God with the talents and gifts He has given me."  "I have given Him my business."  "He knows what I can and can't handle."  "His plans are perfect."  I remembered in the past how He had provided business in seasons, and how He also allowed it to quiet down for His purposes.  I've noticed that I had needed those quiet times more than I realized, because other areas in life had gotten overwhelming.  Sometimes, the quiet times had allowed me to rest and dream of more designs.  Other times, it was followed by a giant wave of business, and if it weren't for that season, I would not have been prepared.  In and out, in and out.  In both ways,  He still provided, He always came through.  How simple?  

So for now, I am learning to apply this.  And it IS better living.  Rest when there is time to rest.  There will be a time to be productive when the season allows again.  Like breathing... organic rhythm, unhurried.  This is trust!  Letting go.  Allowing the ebb & flow.


Monday, June 9, 2014


GIVEAWAY!! We're kicking off the summer with this HOT item! 

FIRST... LIKE OUR FACEBOOK PAGE, THEN... SHARE THIS ON YOUR WALL for your chance to #WIN your very own personalized "Family Tree" ring! Winner will be randomly selected and posted June 14th at noon!

(If you are already a fan, you can still enter to win! Share on your wall for your entry to count!)

nautical inspiration.


 I am a nautical nut.  My house is mostly decorated with sea treasures from the Caribbean, Florida, and the Carolina coast.  I grew up in Florida about an hour shy of the beach, and when my husband and I relocated to the countryside of NC, I found myself yearning to hear the waves.  So I adorned my home with calming colors and things that would remind me of my roots year round.  Summer is always fun because we come back from our beach trips adding to the collection of driftwood, sticks, shells, bottles of sand, sea fans, sun-bleached coral pieces, etc.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

pirate party

I love making my kids' birthdays special.  It's funny how children get enamored with something for a while.  That's when I try to take mental notes for their birthday parties.

 Last year my son was totally obsessed with Mickey Mouse.   We decided to go to Disney that summer.  While at Magic Kingdom, he went on the Peter Pan ride for the first time.  He absolutely loved it!   Since then, it's been all about Peter Pan, Neverland, and pirates!  He literally dresses up as a pirate everyday.  It's so adorable.  Anyway, here is what I came up with for his party: