Monday, October 20, 2014

::new:: website

This might sound weird, but there have been a number of times that I didn't know that I was pregnant until it's time to give birth.  This time, I had no clue until I was 8 weeks due.

No, I didn't have a human baby...

I birthed a business.

It literally grew in me at record gestation.  It was always in me- but, this summer, it fertilized and it grew.  In a matter of weeks, I labored and pushed...

I spent hundreds of hours sketching, designing, importing and making around 200 handmade pieces of jewelry.  I taught myself new jewelry techniques, and website building.  I went out and bought a wardrobe, styled and photographed models, then edited, rephotographed, edited, and literally woke up to a website.  It felt alike a dream or whirlwind, or some kind of crazy transport in time.  I'm not sure why I felt the need to do this... why it needed to be born right now... or for what purpose this new direction in my business is going... but, here we are, and I'm holding my dream in my arms.  It's kind of exciting to let life just happen.

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