Tuesday, August 21, 2012

the hidden stench

I went searching through my kitchen this morning for what appeared to be a foul smell.  Everything was cleaned up from dinner last night, and the dishes were put away.  Dirty diapers always go outside in the garbage... seriously, what could it be?  

I scrubbed the sink, checked the garbage disposal... then I ran the dishwasher.

I started following the scent around like a hound... walking around our island, opening doors... sniffing in the air, and probably looking pretty ridiculous!  My "middle little" kept asking, "Mommy, what are you doing?"

I looked high and low.  Then it occurred to me...

My oldest said she smelled it this morning while she was making her lunch for school.  So I got on her level... It seemed to be coming from the sink and trash area.

 I had already taken out one of our trash bags & the other one only had a few pieces of trash in it...  maybe I underestimated what was in the bottom?  So I looked under the papers... and....

...I'll spare you the image!  It was leftover beans scraped into the bottom of our trash can... and a few days into the rotting process.  Hence the smell!  Absolutely, the loveliest.  

Needless to say, we have a few candles burning this morning!

My little story actually happens somewhat daily.  No, I don't eat beans everyday!  And, no, I certainly do not let my trash stink up our entire house.  I would have zero visitors.  Actually, it's a matter of the heart.

Earlier this year, I felt the Lord touching some pretty sensitive areas in my heart.  I had already been making my way through a tougher season {You can read the full story, here.} But, this just made things feel all the more... ohhh, just INVASIVE!

For one, He began to bring up some deep rooted things that I had perceived as a child.  When I became a young adult, my perception (of who I was or what people thought of me) became this thing that all other things built upon.  Picture the stinky beans with nicely placed papers over the top.  Eventually, it started to reek.  Unfortunately, it wouldn't have stopped there.  My whole house would have taken on that stench if I had let it... basically, if I had done nothing.  Right?  I am learning, sometimes it's not what you, but what you don't do.

We all deal with emotions, especially as a child.  There was probably times when you were misunderstood or hurt by something, and you didn't know how to process those feelings... so deep down those feelings went.  These feelings and emotions are energy vibrations.  {Btw, pleeease don't get hung up on the words, I mean them in their scientific nature, I DO NOT mean kooky weird energy. Ok?  Thanks!}

Scientists have claimed that a thought is an independent force of it's own, and produces effects which form a field.  Thoughts actually consist of atoms, atoms being composed of tiny amounts of energy.  We all learned in physics class, that matter, is a form of energy that is very slow or stopped motion.  When matter (feelings) obstruct the truth, it is a negative energy in your body, which in turn, creates a false self.  Negative (false) energy doesn't go away and "can't be pushed down."  Negative energy, when birthed into a thought, toddles into a feeling, matures into emotion, then reaches adulthood at a full grown perception.  This energy lives on a cellular level in us, and this is how emotions can literally make you sick, physically and emotionally!  

Believing a perception (when it is a lie) begins a negative belief system in our hearts.  No matter what the fact is, our truth should be God's truth which is what His Word says.  Side note: Believing God's truth is faith that pleases Him, and He can act on that faith and bring it into fruition.  So you can change your negative belief system (the way you feel), by changing the way you think (and believe!) 

 "[For being as he is] a man of two minds (hesitating, dubious, irresolute), [he is] unstable and unreliable and uncertain about everything [he thinks, feels, decides]." James 1:8

We have two sides of our brain.  One that is logical, and one that is creative.  Logic says, "this is what I am supposed to think"... the creative side says, "this is what I am supposed to feel"... when our "minds" settle on a truth, they come together.  From what I remember in my research there is an actual chemical response of the body when these two sides click.  That's when the "lightbulb goes on."  Remember those illustrations?  Likewise, there are responses to the center of our being, which some have recognized as our gut, or heart, or our soul.  A belief is formed, and composite belief is many thoughts, memories supporting one theme that together make a powerhouse, basically a belief system.  

"And set your minds and keep them set on what is above (the higher things), not on the things that are on the earth." Colossians 3:1-3

"You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You." Isaiah 26:2-4

Good News.  “Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another.” -Albert Einstein  We can't destroy the negative energy that we have allowed, just like we can't destroy our past hurts.  But, God in His redeeming nature made energy have the ability to change polar opposites.  He can change negative feelings into positive ones.  And if negative emotions and perceptions can create sickness in our bodies and stunt emotional growth, how much more can positive ones bring healing?  Studies have shown, dealing with deep rooted emotions have turned around diagnosis' in the chronically sick, even terminal patients.  The choice, is ours.  I HIGHLY recommend this book, "Feelings Buried Alive Never Die..." by Karol K. Truman.  It gets way more in depth on this subject and includes a list of emotions that affect different body functions and organs, and a script that helps you speak the truth over yourself and deal with each emotion separately.  

As for me, I am dealing with that trash... daily.  I would encourage every reader today: Ask the Lord to search your heart for those deep unresolved emotions and feelings.  If you have negative or doubt-filled self-talk on a daily basis... or find yourself talking "trash" about others... or something just rubs you the wrong way... a lot... stop your day, get quiet, and ask the Lord when the origin of the emotion or hurt began and deal with it, from that point up until the present... and then do NOT revisit it.  FORGIVE the person, the situation, and even yourself.  Find some verses that speak the truth over your mind, rehearse it over and over until you have built yourself up in that area.  

Something that I am working on, is to not just be a hearer of the Word, but a doer!  I don't want to just read that I should love others, I actually want to have the CAPACITY to love others, and I can't do that by trash COMPACTING.  There would be no room to love properly, with it taking on the stench!  Like the trash in my kitchen, our hearts are capable of stinking up who we are.  Daily taking out that trash, (dealing with our emotions and ill-feelings) will keep us clean, and odor-free!  Oh... and I'll light my candle too, while I'm at it. :)


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