Sunday, September 23, 2012

gf/ vegan apple cinnamon bread

Fall is in the air!  Those crisp fresh breezes, a slight tinge of yellowing in the leaves... pumpkin and apple flavors showing up in grocery stores, coffee shops, and candle stores.  I love it!  It's my most favorite of seasons, being that I am a Florida resident runaway. :)  The only seasons we had were, hot, hot, hotter, and ridiculously hot!  I am so thankful that we moved further up "north" to North Carolina, where the seasons are so pleasant!  Apple bread always gets me in the fall mood.  This time, I tweaked the recipe to be a tad bit healthier than last season... 

The great thing about this recipe is that it's super easy to make and ready in a flash!  I got all my ingredients out...

... and chopped my apple first.  I made thin chunks. 

Next, I added my flours and mixed for a few seconds.  I used a mixture of flax meal and gluten free bread flour, without the yeast.  This kind of bread is best dense, without rise.  Usually when I make bread, it reminds me of this verse: "And again He (Jesus) said, To what shall I liken the kingdom of God?  It is like leaven which a woman took and hid in three measures of  flour or meal until it was all leavened (fermented)." Luke 13:20-21  The parable suggests a quiet working of a seemingly insignificant nature which produces remarkable observable results.  Bread making, is a perfect reminder to allow God to work into us His kingdom, which maybe unseen, but the results change our person completely.  And also, to keep the faith that the unseen work He does in us will be completed. :) 

So, now add all the dry ingredients.  

I added in the vanilla, 2 tablespoons of water, grapeseed oil, and applesauce, while mixing.

Fold in the apples.

Place in a bread pan on the bottom rack.

Instead of a second loaf, I made muffins for the kiddos.  (By the way, they do bake quicker!  About 15-20 minutes.)

Fresh out of the oven!  Ok, forget the fall candles, this is the ultimate air freshener!

Spread some vegan butter (that is, if you want to!)

This bread is so moist.  I really debated about adding a streusel topping, but it was already naturally sweet by itself.  I'm looking forward to making this again when we go apple picking in a couple weeks!

*UPDATE!! 10-18-12:  Here is my second round at the apple bread with the streusel topping... um, wow.  Definitely, good.  Very, very good.  Here's the addendum!

GF/ Vegan Apple Cinnamon Bread

2 cups of gluten free flour (I used a bread flour mix)
1 cup of flax meal
1 1/2 cups of coconut sugar
1 teaspoon of baking soda
1 teaspoon of baking powder
1 teaspoon of salt
2 teaspoons of cinnamon
1/2 cup of apple sauce
1/3 cup of grapeseed oil
1 teaspoon of gf vanilla
2 tablespoons of water
1 apple, about 2 cups (chopped)

*Streusel Topping {optional}:

4 tablespoons of vegan butter, cold
1/3 cup of coconut sugar
1 tablespoon flax meal
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
mix together by smashing with a fork and drop in clumps on the top before baking


In a large bowl, combine flours and mix.  Next mix in the rest of the dry ingredients. While still mixing, stir in wet ingredients. Fold in apples. Transfer to two 8-in. x 4-in. loaf pans coated with cooking spray.  For streusel, mix together by smashing with a fork and drop the clumps on the top.

Bake at 350° for 35-45 minutes or until a toothpick inserted near the center comes out clean. Cool for 10 minutes before removing from pans to wire racks. 

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