about me

"To create something, you must be something."-Goethe
           ...And I'm just trying to be myself.

My first memories where creative thoughts.  I was quiet and reflective growing up as a child.  I would get lost in drawings, art projects, watching birds... I took it all in.  Naturally, I am reserved, laid back.  I wasted many years wishing I was different.  I wanted to be more outgoing, more vibrant, more expressive on the outside....

At the latter part of 17 years, I turned down a modeling career &  headed off to ministry school in a new city.  I met my husband two years later.  He is my outgoing counterpart.  We married after five months of knowing each other.  After a few years we welcomed our first child into the world, and in the last six years I have had three beautiful babies.  I'm still in awe of what my body has done, created.  All the while, it is Him creating, He is really telling this story.  

And, like with all stories there are shadows... His plot, my plight.  I have struggled in my thoughts, my talents, with "church" in general, endured chronic sickness, and battled through each day demanding joy as my right.  And some days, I completely fail.  That is when I take a deep breath, and allow His grace to flow over me.  There may be shadows, but He is my light!

And then, in July {2012} my 30th year of life began.  Something was different.

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom”-Anaïs Nin

My heart has been positioned.  I have reviewed the risks, and the answer is, YES.  I dare to allow my heart to bloom.  Will you?  

And so, let the unfolding of the petals begin...

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